Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Groundhog Day!

February 2 is an occasion unique to Americans: It is the day that we worship the groundhog, and pray that he will not see his shadow, ushering in six more weeks of winter! How the poor little critter got such insight is neither here nor there; every region in America has their "pet" groundhog who may or may not signal the end to winter. Ours is "Punxatawney Phil" in Pennsylvania, while the "Big Apple" in decay has "The Staten Island Groundhog" ( who gave the politicians handling him for this festive day a good bite ).
Of course, why a groundhog being rousted out of his nice warm den would do humans any favors in regards to ending winter is questionable; hunters adore shooting them!
At any rate, the groundhog saw his shadow, and winter won't be ending early.
Mind you, winter hasn't been too terrible as Rochester winters go, groundhog or no.
And, as you can probably gather, I'm back! And I've got plenty to share with you, so stay tuned!